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“Insure your future…..Today”

It is a type of insurance plan under which you can avail free hospitalization and other hospital charges. It is as important as any other insurance plan. Mediclaim is a complete health package providing the covered individuals with an array of benefits which ensure their well-being. Many people do not go for Mediclaim because they feel that it is an unnecessary investment and shy away from paying yearly premium. But, they forget that in greed of saving a few pennies they risk paying up huge sums of money in form of medical expenses all throughout the year. If you are planning to invest in Mediclaim for the first time do not forget to check out the recent treatment systems like Unani, Ayurveda and Homeopathy which the Government has included under available insurance covers. As important as it is to invest in a Mediclaim policy equally important it is to invest in the right Mediclaim policy which suits your financial constraints, family requirements and personal health conditions the most.

“Way to Love your Car”

God forbid if your expensive car gets involved in some accident; you are bound to incur monetary investment in order to either get a new one or to repair the existing one, hence, the dire need and importance of investing in a motor insurance. A motor insurance, also known as car or auto insurance is purchased for any type of road vehicles which provides you monetary cover in case there is any physical damage due to traffic collisions. Motor insurance policies differ from region to region and some of them also include the clause of ‘theft of the vehicle’ and damages due to other causes apart from traffic collisions. Also in some region, insurance protection for the passengers of the car is included.

“Go Ahead you can rely on us”

When we go on a holiday or a business trip abroad, the last thing on our mind is that something may go wrong. However, if we were to meet with an unforeseen accident or illness requiring hospitalization while traveling abroad.Overseas travel insurance fulfills this need. There are variants of travel policies covering domestic travel also. General insurance companies offer a variety of plans under travel insurance policies envisaging all kinds of exigencies one is likely to face whilst traveling overseas. A number of plans are offered for individuals traveling alone or with companions; holiday plans for senior citizens or business travelers (business plans) or for students (study plans) going abroad for studies and their parents.Some insurers may require senior citizens to undergo medical checkup prior to acceptance of the proposal. Some insurers offer customized travel insurance meant specifically for individuals.

“Protection Guard for Your Loving Memories”

A home is a place where dreams are built and memories are treasured. It’s a long cherished dream for most of us to own a home and it is one of the most important financial decisions made. Most of us who decide to buy a home opt for a home loan. A home loan is one of the longest debts in our life, which requires a long term commitment. For the sake of procuring the loan we need to take insurance to give to the banks and secure the loan.Apart from the house as such, the contents of the house are also important. The house would contain pieces of furniture and costly appliances like television, refrigerator, washing machine etc. There would be some gold or silver ornaments and artwork like paintings or curios. All these could be damaged by fire, earthquake, flood etc. or stolen as well. As these possessions are purchased at high values using family savings, losses would cause financial hardship. Householders‟ insurance is a comprehensive policy that seeks to address all the above situations.

“Live your Passion Freely”

A strategic risk management program, based on questionnaires, surveys, reports and sound advice from professionals (such as insurance brokers and financial planners etc) can assist you to actively protect your business. Insurance, as part of this program, will give you peace of mind that you may be able to resume trading in the event of a disaster or a liability claim against your business. There are a number of different cover options that should be considered when considering business insurance including, business interruption, property damage, public and products liability, professional indemnity and workers compensation.

“Just Relax”

Contractors All Risks (CAR) insurance is an insurance policy that provide coverage for both damage to a property and third–party injury or damage claims. This policy is specially designed to give financial protection to Civil Engineering contractors in the event of an accident to the civil engineering work under construction. It also give support to builder in case of Earthquake.


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